A beautiful blue sky, white puffy clouds kind of day here in the Carondelet Garden on this last day of August. As hot and sticky as last week was, this week has been absolutely delightful. Low 60s as we headed out to the garden this morning. This is the last of the peppers for this season. We did very well and have quite the stash of Pepper Jelly and Hot Sauce stocked up for the cooler months ahead. College football is here and I'm thinking Dr. B will be breaking out the chili soon! Go Irish!
I love the theologian Richard Rohr and this quote is one of my favorites: "Most do not see this as they ARE; they see things as THEY are!" Isn't that the truth? I know it is for me way too often. I want to grow into a person who simply loves what happens in this life in such a way that the simple, ordinary things become outrageously extraordinary! Wouldn't that change the world? It's a good day for a good day. Enjoy the journey today. See the extraordinary. Enjoy the last of the harvest and start getting ready for fall planting. That's all the news from here in the Carondelet Garden.
What a blessing this weather is. Today it was in the low 60s as I first stepped out into the Garden, and it was so lovely. We visited our friends @greenscapegardens_stl yesterday to outfit a bit of a porch refresh. We had such a good time at Jennifer's talk @mobotgarden a few weeks ago that we had to do a Fall Refresh of our front porch.
We spent much of the late morning picking out our "Thrillers, Fillers and Spillers" for the pots. Such a fun and beautiful way to begin the Fall season. I know Summer is still here but as an old educator I cannot help but believe that Fall begins the day the kiddos head back to school! Labor Day is still my official first day of Fall! We had a lovely day celebrating creation. Wherever we find ourselves there is beauty to behold, drawing us in. Drawing us deeper, drawing us to what is indeed holy and increasing our longing for creation as it was meant to be. Drawing us to the Creator! A beautiful day to celebrate creation! Enjoy the journey and behold the beauty this last Wednesday of August. That's all the news from here in the Carondelet Garden. "Oh, What a beautiful morning!" You can just hear the song playing in your head as you walk out the door this Tuesday in August. Low 60s and just lovely in the Garden. Our lovely Hosta 'Island Breeze' is our newest addition to the back garden. We decided to move our wood pile to give ourselves a nice little shady patch to plant "display" Hostas that we've always wanted but never really had the room. Seeing the Hostas @mobotgarden keeps giving us way too many ideas!
We are heading out to some Garden Centers this morning to begin our "Fall Refresh" with new container plants and adding new Basils to the Kitchen Garden. There are few things more invigorating that visiting a Garden Center and getting new ideas. Do you have a favorite? The day is beginning and I'm ready to get a little work done before we have our fun. It's a good day for a good day! I hope you find kindness and goodness on your journey this Tuesday in Ordinary Time. That's all the news from here in the Carondelet Garden. It is an absolutely gorgeous morning here in the Carondelet Garden in South Saint Louis. The Hosta 'Queen of Hearts' is a new addition to the Hosta Garden, and it has weathered the heat rather well, I think. I was worried for some of the newer plants, but most seem to have weathered things just fine. We have had a few losses, but such is the life of a gardener. As I heard a gardener say the other day, "You don't really know a plant until you've killed it twice." Truth!
The heat wave is finally over, and the weekend felt like a prelude to Autumn-like weather. What a grace to be able to go out and enjoy the garden and feel as though we are able to live again. The chance to see the garden with such intense regard. We realize that nothing is truly ordinary. As believers our grace-filled imaginations unlock for us the awesome potential in all things. Our gardens are proof of that awesome potential. A beautiful day in very late August. I am heading out to the Garden soon to weed and do some mowing. A list of chores neglected during the heatwave await. I'm excited to get things going again. It's a good day for a good day. Be good and be kind to yourself and others as you continue your journey on this last Monday of August. That's all the news from here in the Carondelet Garden. Woke up early this morning to our own version of "Groundhog Day." The heat wave has been unrelenting, and the watering regime is continuing on day five. The flowers are hanging in there. Not looking too much worse for the wear. Tomorrow we should get a bit of a reprieve with a cool front moving in. A bit of grace when we need it most!
I read an anonymous quote the other day, "Gardens are mediators of the Divine." I thought it was a beautiful quote but also a true sentiment. Even in the heat with watering cans or a hose in my hand I can feel the presence, the mystery of the Creator all around me when I'm in the Garden. A thin place to be sure. It is, hopefully, the final day of this heat wave here in South Saint Louis. Be good and be kind to yourself and others. Hydrate. Rest. Stay cool. That's all the news from here in the Carondelet Garden. It is a hot morning here in the Carondelet Garden. We woke up early and it was already in the low 80s. The weather folks are saying tomorrow will be the last day of this heat wave and it won't come too soon. The watering regime is continuing, and we are in a fight to keep the plants going. So far we are winning.
If you have ever been to a state fair, you have probably seen a pavilion filled with exotic and amazing dahlia blossoms. These hugely varietal flowers are a collector’s dream, with little starburst blooms to plate-sized flowers in every hue imaginable. Dahlias are relatively sturdy plants if grown in the right lighting, heat, and soil. Our Dahlias are still looking quite lovely even in this heat wave. The heat continues. The work goes on. We are keeping the faith and hoping for the best. The garden is loved and cared for. For centuries gardens were designed as sacred spaces. Blessed grounds of peace, happiness, harmony and spiritual enlightenment. This is my goal for the garden. Looking forward to the break in the weather so I can spend a bit more time in my happy place. It's a hot Ordinary Thursday in South Saint Louis. Be good and be kind to yourself and others as you journey about. Stay hydrated and take many breaks. Don't overdo it! Advice from an old gardener. That's all the news from here in the Carondelet Garden. The heat wave continues here in the Carondelet Garden. Up before dawn again to continue the watering regime. We are having pretty good luck with the plants. The Million Bells are looking quite lovely. While Calibrachoa Million Bells may be a fairly new species, this dazzling little plant is a must-have in the garden. Its name comes from the fact that it features hundreds of small, bell-like flowers that resemble miniature petunias. Its trailing habit makes it perfect for use in hanging baskets, containers or as a small area ground cover. We use them as small area ground cover here in the Garden and they are doing very well.
It's mid-week and the doldrums of this heat wave have hit. I'm ready for Autumn. I'm ready for some cooler temperatures. I'm ready for some porch sitting and a lovely beverage in the evening. I'm trying to be patient but I'm ready for Fall! How about you? I have no complaints. We are cool and comfortable. We have no real needs unmet. We are beyond fortunate. It's time to count your blessings old man! It's another Ordinary Wednesday in late August in South Saint Louis. The heat and humidity are hanging around for a few more days but the weather folks tell me we shall have some relief by the weekend. Be careful and take care of yourself as you journey about today. That's all the news from here in the Carondelet Garden. It is another hot, sticky morning here in the Carondelet Garden. Once again, up before the sun to get the watering regime started as we fight the heat. Yesterday was not nearly as bad as we expected. The cloud cover was a bit of a welcome relief to be sure. My beautiful Woodland Phlox is no worse for the wear and is looking quite dashing in the garden this morning.
I'm trying to remember to slow down and pay attention to plants, animals, the world around me, people I see every day. I'm really trying to slow down. I'm beginning to understand that the overlooked expression of love is paying attention. The Jesuits always taught us that God is in all things. If God does indeed dwell in all things and all people, then I need to appreciate and respond to that divine presence. Yet, I can only do that if I am actually paying attention. As Paul Simon would sing, "Slow down, you move too fast. You got to make the morning last. Just kicking down the cobble stones. Looking for fun and feelin' groovy" It's a great day for feelin' groovy. Slow down today. It's good for you especially in this heat and humidity! Stay hydrated. Stay cool! Look for some fun! Feel groovy! That's all the news from here in the Carondelet Garden. It is a hot, sticky, humid morning here in the Carondelet Garden. I woke up to 82-degrees in the darkness of early morning. The watering regime has begun again! Out very early to avoid some of the major heat of the day. Trying desperately to keep the garden as healthy as possible during this heatwave in the dog days of August.
The flowers this morning were a true gift. So many blooms bursting open and putting a smile on this old gardener's face. I have to remind myself to recognize the gifts given to me every single day. I remind myself to be grateful for the small things as well as the big ones. I work at becoming more grateful. Let's face it, grateful people are happier people. It's a warm, sticky, humid day in South Saint Louis. Be careful, stay hydrated and keep cool as you continue your journey this Ordinary Monday in late August. That's all the news from here in the Carondelet Garden. Another lovely morning here in the Carondelet Garden in South Saint Louis. Low 60s and almost no humidity on this late Summer Friday in August. Am I still in Missouri in Summer? Loving these last few days as I've been able to get a ton of weeding finished.
As I've wandered about my garden these past few days, I was struck with the WONDER of it all. It is so humbling to see, hear, and feel the earth and witness the glory of life around me. I believe that we feel more deeply when we are in nature and simply experience the richness of life about us. Elizabeth Barret Browning said it so well, "Earth is crammed with heaven, and we miss it or dismiss it." My simple, ordinary life's goal is stop missing and dismissing the wonder about me. We are so fortunate because we do not have to do anything to summon God's presence. God is always, already here waiting for us and always trying to get our attention. Be inspired by the wonder! A simple, ordinary Friday filled with wonder. Don't miss it or dismiss it! Be good and be kind to yourself on your journey today. That's all the news from here in the Carondelet Garden. |
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