Day: 52-degrees | Night: 45-degrees
It's New Year's Eve. The last day of 2022. It's become just another day here in the Carondelet Garden. We, long ago, stopped trying to go out and "party" on New Year's Eve. As my lovely niece once said, "you were born old." She's right, of course. I was born old and I'm just now catching up. I'm not a person for New Year's resolutions or the like. Instead, I try to remember the good times over the past year, the friends we made along the way, the friends we lost along the way, and the best little pup in the world who is no longer here in person but lives on in our hearts. We remember. We are also looking forward as well. New year. New adventures. It is also a good time to say thank you to those who have helped you along the way. Thank you to those of you who comment and respond to this rambling old man. So many of you were such a balm during our sorrows and lifted us up when we needed it. Many of you answered questions this old gardener asked without making me feel like a dummy. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Sunny skies over South Saint Louis this morning with some clouds moving in the afternoon. Winds are out of the SE at 5 to 10 MPH. Happy New Year's Eve gardening friends. Here's to a 2023 filled with the bounty of the earth. Thank you for making my 2022 a good year. Looking forward to whatever 2023 brings. That's all the news from the Carondelet Garden.
Day: 47-degrees | Night: 33-degrees
And the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down! It's a wet morning here in the Carondelet Garden. The outdoor decorations are down for this year. Life is slowly returning to an assemblance of normalcy for this old gardener. We had the wonderful experience of visiting with our newest great-niece and her parents yesterday. I also met our newest neighbor as well. A day of beautiful babies! What fun to meet these new lives. Such promise and potential. Hope is in the air and prayers for an amazing life filled with faith, hope and love! Isn't that what we all need? Rain and clouds cover the skies over the Carondelet Garden. Showers will continue throughout the afternoon with winds out of the North at 5 to 10 MPH. The perfect day for some College Football. Go Irish! We wish you faith, hope and love on this New Year's Eve Eve! That's all the news from the Carondelet Garden. Day: 63-degrees | Night: 44-degrees
It's cloudy and downright warm this morning in the Carondelet Garden. Wasn't it just this time last week that we were in super frigid conditions? Welcome to Saint Louis! It is Twixtmas season. That time between Christmas and New Year's Day that is a bit of a weird time. Not quite normal but not really a holiday either. It's not the 12 Days of Christmas it's only a week but life seems a bit off. Nothing feels normal. Whatever normal is supposed to feel like. I remember a time when I used to try to get so much done because we were off from work that week. We rushed around to try and finish all of the chores we had been putting off. Decluttering and de-Christmassing the house before the New Year. Thankfully, those days are over. We are now just contemplating the new year. What would we like to do and how would we like to do it. It's an odd feeling actually. We have been caretakers for so many years and now we are not really responsible for anyone or anything other than ourselves. It fits the season of Twixtmas. It's a bit of a weird feeling. Excited for possibilities. Hopeful. A bit apprehensive. Kind of like life, I guess. Just because you are older doesn't mean you have all the answers. I'm learning that one the hard way. Today, I am hopeful! It's cloudy and warm here in South Saint Louis. The skies are overcast but we may see a peak or two of sunshine. The winds are out of the South at 10 to 20 MPH. I wish you hope, peace and love this Twixtmas time. That's all the news from the Carondelet Garden. Day: 49-degrees | Night: 44-degrees
It's Day Trip Wednesday for this #supercoololdcouple from South Saint Louis. We are heading out to visit a couple of Antique Malls for the day. We are just getting into this phenomenon. It's been fun to look at the old memories. We don't buy much but we enjoy reminiscing! I love the quote "in a world where you can be anything, be kind!" I try to live that. Sometimes the smarminess comes flying out of my mouth before my brain kicks in. I'm a work in progress as they say. You can teach old dogs new tricks, it just takes a bit longer. I'm working on being the person I was meant to be not the person I thought I should be. It's hard to be vulnerable and open especially for an old introvert like me. Today I am going to be the kindness I want to see in the world. At least, I'm going to try. The sun is shining here in the Carondelet Garden on this last Wednesday of 2022. The winds are out of the South at 15 to 25 MPH. Gustier winds are possible. Be careful if you are driving around in those gusty winds. Find some goodness around you today. Be good and be kind to yourself and others. It's a sunny day in December. Let's celebrate! That's all the news from the Carondelet Garden. Day: 34-degrees | Night: 27-degrees
The sun is shining, and the skies are blue over the Carondelet Garden on this last Tuesday of 2022. It's a cold start to the day here in South Saint Louis with temperatures still lingering in the teens. Changes are coming! Warmer weather is moving back in which means I can get the outside Christmas decorations put away for this year. There's something special about wispy white clouds on a bright blue sky in Winter. The very sight of it makes me smile and gives me a lift of hope. The holidays are hard for so many of us. I have so much to be thankful for, yet the demons still sometimes attack. That's when you cling to whatever hope you can find. Wispy white clouds on a bright blue sky? It lifts my spirits for sure. A warm cup of tea on a quiet winter's morning. The love of the most wonderful person in the world. Yes. I count my blessings. They are abundant. The light comes but we have to open the door to let it in. Count your blessings. Look for the goodness and kindness around you. Hang on to hope! Sunny skies with winds out of the South at 10 to 15 MPH. It's a beautiful morning with the promise of warming temperatures. Hope is alive and well if we look for it. That's all the news from the Carondelet Garden. Day: 32-degrees | Night: 14-degrees
We had a slight dusting of snow overnight in the Carondelet Garden casting a powdery glow across the Rosemary in the kitchen garden. This frigid run over the past few days has taken its toll on my poor Rosemary plant. It is quite lovely in its snow dusted state. I take t6thhe wins where I get them. I can't believe it is December the 26th. I started keeping this little blog or IG account on January 1st of 2022 as a journal of my attempts at gardening. It's grown and changed over the year as life has a way of doing. It has become a journal of gardening and life for this old gardener. I've often thought of keeping a journal I just never really stuck with it for any length of time, but this gave me a a good reason to stick to it. I wanted to know the weather patterns, what I planted and when. What did well and what didn't do so well. Along the way I met many wonderful people who encouraged me to keep going. Thank you so much for the encouragement and caring. The skies over South Saint Louis are overcast on this Boxing Day Monday. A few scattered snow showers are possible throughout the day with winds out of the WNW at 10 to 15 MPH. We should see a gradual warming throughout the week. My old bones are looking forward to a bit more warmth! I hope the holidays were good for you. I hope you have an opportunity to relax a little and recover from the hectic pace and expectations. As this year draws to a close, I wish you peace, hope, faith and love. That's all the news from the Carondelet Garden. Day: 25-degrees | Night: 19-degrees
A very Merry Christmas. The long wait of Advent is over. The days are growing longer with the light returning. The light will overcome the darkness. Merry Christmas indeed! From the comfort of the Carondelet Garden, we wish everyone the Merriest of Christmas Days. Be kind to yourself and others as you gather together to celebrate. Find the goodness where you can. Day: 21-degrees | Night: 8-degrees
It's the fourth Saturday of Advent. Christmas Eve. The waiting shall soon come to an end. We sit and in waiting for the final day. Are you ready? One of our favorite traditions of Christmas Eve is to listen to the King's College Choir and the service of Lessons and Carols on BBC. We've been doing this for 40 years and this year is no exception. We are waiting for the broadcast to begin live in Saint Louis at 9:00 a.m. It's a beautiful service that is so simple yet so moving. A moment of grace in a very hectic season. We look forward to it every year. We have sunny skies in South Saint Louis this last Saturday of Advent. the winds are out of the WNW at 10 to 20 MPH. It's lovely to look at the snow on the ground. I wish you peace and joy this Christmas Eve. It's not the easiest time of year for many of us. My hope is that you find a bit joy and can experience some peace this Christmas. Look around for the goodness and kindness wherever you can find it. Happy Christmas Eve Gardening Friends! Day: 8-degrees | Night: 5-degrees
Baby, it's cold outside! BRRRRRR! Just under two inches of the white stuff but the wind and the cold are brutal. The sun is just starting to peak out and it is, unmistakably, beautiful. It is also very dangerous so please be careful if you have to go outside today. It's been busy in the Carondelet Kitchen these past few days. Not much going on in the Garden, to say the very least. Dr. Beth always makes her family's French Meat Pies for Christmas. She has perfected the recipes (plural, because there were many) she has been handed down over the years. That will be made finished this afternoon for this evening's meal. Cooking and baking. Jigsaw puzzles and crosswords. Books to be read. It's been a relatively quiet week around here which is lovely. I hope you get the opportunity to relax a little bit as the holidays are approaching. Take a little time for yourself. One more cup of coffee sounds pretty good on a day like today! Needless to say, it's cold outside. A mix of clouds and sunshine is expected with gusty winds. Winds are out of the WNW at 20 to 30 MPH. Winds could gust over 40 MPH. Please take it easy if you are out and about. This is dangerous stuff! I wish you peace, hope and love during these last few days of Advent, 2022. That's all the news from the Carondelet Garden. Day: 36-degrees | Night: -3-degrees | Winter Storm Watch
Waiting is the theme for Advent Children. It's what we are doing right now in the Carondelet Garden. We are waiting for Winter Storm Elliot to arrive with snow and frigid temperatures. When did they start naming Winter Storms? Did they always do that? We are in full blown hunker down mode in our little part of South Saint Louis. We have nothing on our calendar and are simply waiting for the snow to begin. We have gotten to that magical age where we have no desire to get out in the white stuff. It's very pretty and like the way the City gets so quiet and calm, but we are staying put. We stopped off the other day and bought real books. Not an e-book like we have been reading but a real book. Our plan is to read all afternoon. I hope you are safe and warm this Thursday in Advent. Thankfully, most schools are already closed for the holidays. Please be careful if you are out and about! It's quite dark and cloudy here in the Carondelet Garden. It's very quiet. The winds are supposed to start up soon with snow showers this morning and heavier snow by this afternoon. The temperatures are supposed to plummet this afternoon as well. Winds should be out of the NW at 20 to 30 MPH. It's not a pleasant forecast to say the least. I wish you safety and warmth today. Patience and kindness are the key this Winter Storm Thursday. That's all the news from the Carondelet Garden. |
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